Material instance won't change color?

I’m trying to and change the color of a trail renderer. I created this workaround, but I’m running into an odd issue. The material instance’s color is changed in the Unity inspector, but it won’t change color in the game unless I manually use the color picker and change the color (and sometimes, even that does nothing). What am I doing wrong?

var Test: Material;
var MyColors: Color[];

function Start(){
	Test = GetComponent.<TrailRenderer>().material;
	Test.SetColor ("_TintColor", MyColors[1]);

If you remove the . before the <TrailRenderer> and reformat the variables and start function to c#, this does run as a c# script. I’m not too familiar with javascript, but after checking the Unity reference page for GetComponent, it appears that the javascript version uses the syntax GetComponent( string name) instead of GetComponent<component>(). To get your code working, I changed it to the following

var test: TrailRenderer;
var myColor: Color;

function Start () {
	test = GetComponent("TrailRenderer");
	test.material.SetColor("_TintColor", myColor);