Material not updating

I was inspired by this post of a CrazyBump-like tool made in Unity and decided to try making one myself.

I’m generating the height/normal/etc maps using RenderTextures and assigning those to the material. The problem is, the material doesn’t show these changes until I deselect/select the material or GameObject in the editor or make a manual change to the material in the editor.

Once I have done this, the in-game changes work fine. I’m really not sure what is causing this, anyone have any ideas? I put the project up at: GitHub - vatara/unity-texture-tool: Texture map generation tool made in Unity

I found the solution in this thread: Creating Materials at runtime - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

“That was exactly it. I had no textures assigned to the height/normal/metallic/occlusion maps, so that part of the shader wasn’t getting enabled. To fix it, I just assigned empty(white/gray/black) textures to the material at compile time.”