Material property block doesn't work with backing indirect light

Hello. I started to learn URP with Unity 6. I try to set the base color and emission color to objects via Material Property Block and bake indirect light. I use Universal Rendier Pipline/Lit material, Unity 6000.0.30f1.

There is my scene, and there are my results. The reflection from right big cube must be blue, emission lights must have different colours.

So, It seems like wrong, because the same project in Unity 2022 gets right results. Or maybe I didn’t understand something or do something wrong?

Could you show the code you are using to produce this result?

This is all the code I use.

public class PerObjectMaterialProperties : MonoBehaviour {
    static int baseColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor");
    static int emissionColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissionColor");

    MaterialPropertyBlock block;

    [SerializeField] Color baseColor = Color.white;

    [SerializeField, ColorUsage(false, true)]
    Color emissionColor =;

    private void Awake() => OnValidate();

    private void OnValidate() {
        if (block == null) {
            block = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        block.SetColor(baseColorId, baseColor);
        block.SetColor(emissionColorId, emissionColor);