Material.SetFloat not updating in play-mode.

I’m trying to update _Fill property of my shader using Material.SetFloat property. It works just fine, however it’s not updating in play-mode but only after stopping.
Using setMaterialDirty() on Image.material didn’t work.

 public class OrbFillUpdater : MonoBehaviour
     public IntegerReference Variable;
     public IntegerReference Max;
     private Material material;
     private void Start()
         material = GetComponent<Image>().material;
     private void Update()
         float value = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, Max.Value, Variable.Value));
         material.SetFloat("_Fill", value);

And here is _Fill property.

 _Fill("Fill Amount", Range(0, 1)) = 1

float _Fill;

fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : SV_Target {
     // ... Code
     if (IN.texcoord.y >= _Fill)
         if (IN.texcoord.y + (noise.r - 0.7) * _NoiseStrength >= _Fill)
             color.a = 0;
             layer1.a = 0;
             layer2.a = 0;
             layer3.a = 0;

Still looking for a way to fix this.
Maybe this is a Unity bug?
