Material with alpha=1.0f is still transparent?

Hi There! I am trying to make my object slowly fade in, but I find that when I set the alpha value of the material to 1.0f(which, according to documentation should be fully opaque) it’s still transparent:

transform.renderer.material.color = newColor(1,1,1,alpha);

But when I do:
transform.renderer.material.color = newColor(1,1,1,alpha);

alpha=100.0f is enough to turn it opaque. I don’t understand - how is this possible? I’m using the transparent/bumped diffuse shader.

Please help :slight_smile:

Ok, I found out what was happening…the material was from the asset store, and the diffuse texture it used already had transparency on it(like 50%) so I had to keep increasing the transparency past 1.0f to get an opaque material.