Materials from cinema 4d to Unity

I've made a model in cinema 4d (r11) and I want to import it to unity with the textures, I need to know how to get the textures, including the glass and metal textures I made in cinema, into unity, can anyone help?

You can't transfer the shader properties of C4D into Unity. These include the SLA shader materials like Danel or Banji as well as the different channels in the standard material editor and the effects in its menus (fresnel, etc). If you want an object to have a similar look to your glass in C4D, you'd need to source or write a shader that can replicate that effect.

For standard materials (ie colour/bump channel only) you just need the textures to be inside your project folder along with the mesh itself. Unity will create a new material and attempt to grab the texture used in the colour channel in C4D, and you'll need to alter this if you want to add things like reflections, transparency, particular shader effects, or separate bump textures. Unity can apply several different materials to a single object in a layered up manner, but all the fancy stuff has to be done with Unity shaders.

efectly you cant import the textures directly, but you can bake the textures in cinema and load in unity, here my procedural:

in Cinema4D

1.- try to keep the minor number of objects in your .c4d

2.- select your object

3.- in your render pull down select bake object

4.- in the bake window select the propieritys you need, personaly i use ambient oclussion, illuminate, single texture and remplace object. (beware with this last one)

5.- select the width and height example: 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024 (use cuadratic textures)

  1. select the location from your new textures

7.- bake, this proces take some time, be patient

8.- save all c4d file and textures in te same folder (inside your asset folder)

in Unity

1.- select your new model in project menu

2.- in the FBX importer pull down select collider if you want

3.- in the material pull down select per material

4.- inside your material folder generate yours new materials name it and asign the textures

5.- drag your model in the view port

6.- drag your new materials to the model

7.- make your prefab

-- English is not my leanguaje, be patient ---

PD im sure exist a easier technic, but i found this.

good luck


I have had the same problems for weeks now, i am very new to unity, and i finally made it to import by bakes by this method, but it seems so crazy if this is the only way? I hope somebody finds this thread and can maybe sort things out for us...

But thanks for posting your guide, its been the only working solution for me so far

Finally, found a way to Unity recognizes polygon selections and textures aplied to them, NO SHADER TYPE TEXTURES, only regular image based textures.

First, finish your models without textures. Second, aply a generic texture and generate UVW coordinates. Third, set the polygon selections for the different textures, and aply textures. Fourth, use the "Save Project" option, to gather all texture images in a folder named "Tex". Fifth, from desktop, copy the project folder into the Assets folder on you Unity 3D project.

This process, made it possible to Unity to recognize different textures from your Cinema 4d models.

I hope this will help Cinema4D users.