Materials loose shaders when running project on mac

Actual version we have our project in is 2020.1.8f1 we’re not updating Editor version because we don’t want to deal with “Purple Stuff” on the late stage of the project. I’m the only person in team working on a Mac (M1 MacBook Air / mac OS Monterey) and after merging branches lately I got “Purple Stuff” (windows guys didn’t). The problem is that on every run Unity losses shaders for 5 particular materials in particular places in our battle scene (same materials in other objects and scenes work fine). Changing materials and/or shaders to completely different types or recreating them doesn’t solve the issue. The only workaround is to get to the affected material via script and just do:

material.shader = Shader.Find(;

The hard to understand part is that all materials are used by different classes:

I have no idea how is this possible and why these particular material instances got affected, but I just wanted to post it here in case someone is desperately looking for this workaround… for yet another “Purple Stuff”

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This is the other side of being not updated. Does it happen with the latest patch of 2020.3.x or even 2020.1.x?

What about deleting the Library folder?