Materials only show in Game View, not in Scene View

Anybody know why I am seeing this: In Scene View all materials show up yellow, except Terrain which show up turqoise checkered. Skybox not showing either. In Game View things are as they should be

It is a new project - Core 3D template, Built-In Render Pipeline, 2022.3.45f1 LTS Install. Old projects seem to open and display without problems, though I haven’t tried to convert to new install version.

Somewhere some tickbox must be missing the tick, or something. Help would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards
Erik Lund, frustrated teacher preparing for tomorrows lessons…

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Could it be “fogged out” maybe? Try turning off fog in the Scene view.

Thanks for the suggestion, but apparently not. I have turned all those settings on and off, and there is no fog in the scene anyway. And the Game View is intact. But working in a Scene View window with no visible materials is unfeasible, to say the least (and makes for bad impressions on the students tomorrow)

Where does the yellow colour come from? I know the magenta coloured game objects, those are caused by shader mismatches. I have never seen the yellow before (or the turqoise checkers)…


I’m kind-of stumped if it’s not a fog issue. I can’t think of any setting that disables textures in the scene view except for the “debug views” or wireframe rendering mode, but it looks like you have those turned off.

Magenta is actually for any type of shader error that makes a material unrenderable. Cyan is for shaders that are still compiling in the background and aren’t finished yet. That might be the turquoise color you’re seeing. I don’t think the yellow color is any intentional indicator of anything, though.

Probuilder uses bright yellow to indicate that a face is selected for editing, but it’s a different shade of yellow, so I don’t think that’s it.

I know that the default directional light in the default scene is yellowish so it can tint things slightly yellowish, but that doesn’t look like what’s going on here either. You might try toggling the lighting on and off to see if that makes any difference.

Could it be a render pipeline discrepancy? For example, maybe you have a URP settings object in your render settings, but you’re not using URP shaders? If that were the case, I would expect it to look broken in both the scene view and the game view, though.

I guess one thing you can try is to delete the shader cache folder in your project. If your problem is due to a corrupted shader cache that will fix it, but I don’t know if that will actually help in your case. Once again, if that were the problem I would expect the game view to be broken as well. I think you need to shut down unity before you delete the folder. Then when you open Unity again it will compile all of the shaders again.

BTW: The skybox is toggle-able so you should be able to simply turn that on and off under the scene effects. In order for the skybox to appear in the scene view, then it must be set in the scene render settings->environment->skybox material.

@kdgalla, again, thanks for your reply.

This is a new project, made with the Core 3D builtin render pipeline template. I haven’t imported anything like ProBuilder or (knowlingly) changed any settings. I have imported a rather small bunch of assets, inluding the checkered material visible on the plane in Game View, though, but I am pretty sure that is not the issue. Also, it is definitely not the directional light - all lighting is off-ish

I have tried to toggle skybox visibility - not working either.

However, I may have found the color. And possibly the culprit. Not the cure, as of yet.

Apparently there is a toggle box in upper edge of Game View window - named “Light Settings” - which normally is not there. I have inserted another screenshot in the OP. Only, it doesn’t toggle anything, but the colour is shown when it is activated. That togglebox did appear in all the various new projects I created to investigate, and it seems to be something akin to the wireframe rendering thing. It shows something about which surfaces receive what lighting. I am not able to remove or disable the box, and as I said there is no response whatsoever from trying to toggle anything. I have no idea where it came from, but somehow it inserted itself into the layout of the window upon starting a new project. It does not seem to be connected to the “Light Settings” submenu from the Rendering window. I don’t know what it is. But it came back in every new project I tried to create.

And the good thing is - while working on the problem yesterday, I failed to notice that the powercord had disconnected. So this morning, my laptop had run out of power, and when I reconnected and restarted, somehow the default layout settings had been restored and the togglebox was not there when I tried once more to make a new project. It is still present in the 7 different test projects from the previous days, but they are expendable. (and yes, I definitely have tried to restart both the Hub, the Editor and the computer before writing the OP).

So - problem not solved, but it can be ignored, for now. Still - explanations would be welcome. Yesterday was four very embarrassing lessons with students due to derailed preparation…

Oh, I think I found it!

Just out of my curiosity with this issue, I was goofing around with various options in scene view. If you click on the debug menu and select “global illumination->contributors/receivers” then it goes in to some kind of visualization overly that I didn’t know about.

So maybe you activated this mode by accident? There might even be a hot key to toggle this on and off.

Edit: BTW, the solution is to set the “draw mode” back to “shaded” in the sceneview.

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Marvellous - yes, the solution is as you say. Why on earth could they not make the togglebox toggle that? Meehhh. Anyway, I am back on track, I think. Thank you so much for your help and perseverance - highly appreciated.

Best regards