How do I put on 2 materials so that I have one material on one face of a cube and the other material on the other faces. Like I want to put a face on a box and the other sides would be something else. If this isn’t possible, any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
When I put a material on a long cube, and then I scaled the sides using the tiling, only 2 sides properly? I understand why but how do I scale the whole thing so that it looks right? Thanks!
As far as I see it you have two main options, (if someone knows otherwise please correct me)
use a 3D software to apply it to the selected faces of a mesh, or using the meshes UVs if its a texture.
Learn Shader programming and do it that way.
The first of the two is the quickest and easiest, you can pick up blender for free and i’m sure there are plenty of tutorials on the internet. If you were using any other 3D software I would be able to give you specific advice.
As blenders free it will be a good one to reference so…