may be I need to review some math… but… I don’t quite get, If I have 2 vectors in 3D, and I use Vector3.angle… why … do I get only one angle… I should get two angles unless the function returs the angle in the plane formed by the 2 vectors.
Hi. From the Unity Scripting Reference, i found that:
Vector3.Angle static function Angle (from : Vector3, to : Vector3) : float Description Returns the angle in degrees between from and to.
var target : Transform; function Update () { var targetDir = target.position - transform.position; var forward = transform.forward; var angle = Vector3.Angle(targetDir, forward); if (angle < 5.0) print(“close”); }
I think it works perfect. Is the angle between 2 vectors. Which 2 angles do u want to know?
this is my aim: I am mapping the Touch onto spherical coordinates. So, if I ray cast each Touch (in pixel coordinate) I have a Ray (so a vector in 3D). The first touch represents the first ray, when I move my finger, any further movement will represent my second ray. So, I want to use that angle as a rotation angle of my object.
Knowing the initial and the following positions of my Touch(es), I know the angle… but I can’t do that with just one angle… I guess. What am I missing? …
yes, when I move the finger my touch is in TouchPhase.Moved so I can always grab the deltaPosition and the new position… which gives me the direction… no? but how do I apply it to the rotation?
you can actually cast 2 rays on the sphere, and make sure one of them stays where the first touch was, then make one of the 2 remaining keep it’s x or z or whatever coord you have on the horizontal, the same as the first ray, and the other one of the 2 make it keep it’s other coord.
so you will have your 2 angles. so you will know how much you will rotate on xx and z or whatever
or when you will use Vector3.Angle(vector1,vector2); make sure you edit the 2nd vector coords to match the coord of the first, so they will form the plane on the horizontal.
since the Vector3.Angle will return the angle in the plane formed by the 2 vectors.
Uhm. I am actually trying to do that… and the Vector1, is my first touch… Vector2 is actually the following position of the finger on the screen… but I keep the Vector1 saved.
But what shall I use in the gameObject.transform.Rotate(xxx,xxx,xxx)?
If you use the code I posted, it should work. You don’t need to use .Rotate if you already solved for the rotation, you can just set it manually like I did (transform.rotation = whatever).
Why not just rotate based on the touch screen delta?
// Performs a mouse look.
var horizontalSpeed : float = 2.0;
var verticalSpeed : float = 2.0;
function Update () {
// Get the mouse delta. This is not in the range -1...1
var h : float = horizontalSpeed * Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X");
var v : float = verticalSpeed * Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y");
transform.Rotate (v, h, 0);