Mathf.Clamp() jumping back to max value after reaching min value.


I searched quite long about this problem, but couldn´t find any solution to this.

I want to rotate the camera when the right mouse button is pressed depending from the mouse movement with limitation on the angle on the x axis.

When the angle reaches the max value, the rotation stops even when i´m still moving the mouse up, so this works fine. But when I reach the min value, the angle jumps up to the max value again. Shouldn´t it also stop to rotate when the min value is reached?

Here´s the code for this part:

private function rotateCamera():void{
				this.mouseClickPosition = Input.mousePosition;
			var delta = this.mouseClickPosition - Input.mousePosition;
			this.mouseClickPosition = Input.mousePosition;
			this.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * -this.speed * delta.x * Time.deltaTime);
			this.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * this.speed * delta.y * Time.deltaTime);
			this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x = Mathf.Clamp(this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x, 0.0f, 40.0f);

I also tried some of the functions posted on other threads but it didn´t work either.

Thanks in advance.

Found a solution here Limit local rotation - Unity Answers
But I still don´t have an idea, why simply Mathf.Clamp() won´t work.