This is for a first person player controller script.
I have horizontal rotation setup like so on the player object transform:
private void rotateCameraHorizontal(float mouseInputX)
Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation; //get current rotation
rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation.eulerAngles.x, rotation.eulerAngles.y + mouseInputX, rotation.eulerAngles.z);
transform.rotation = rotation; //set new rotation
I have vertical rotation setup on the player camera:
private void rotateCameraVertical(float mouseInputY)
float clampedYInput = Mathf.Clamp(mouseInputY, -90f, 90f); //this doesnt seem to affect anything.
ObjectToApplyCameraTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(ObjectToApplyCameraTransform.rotation.eulerAngles + new Vector3(clampedYInput, 0f, 0f));
The clamping does not seem to make a difference? Any advice?
If mouseInputY is simply the input from the mouse axis, it is not going to get anywhere near 90 + or -. How is that value being calculated before being sent to the method?
Edit: Yes, mouse input is just the input from the mouse axis. How should I be going about this? At the moment the mouse is limited to 90 degrees up and down but if you repeatedly force the mouse against either “north/south pole” the screen will go upside down.
private Vector2 getRawMouseInput()
Vector2 mouseInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y")) * mouseSensitivity;
mouseInput.y = invertY ? mouseInput.y : -mouseInput.y; //invert Y check
return mouseInput;
private void moveCamera()
Vector2 mouseInput = getRawMouseInput();
put a Debug.Log(mouseInput.y) in your moveCamera method and see if it ever gets anywhere near 90
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Ah right, its simply input being added to the rotation. Hmmm. Can you advise on how I should go about this? I edited my previous comment with the upside down issue btw.
Am I doing XY rotation properly then? Should I be rotating the camera and transform separately like this, it’s just something I gathered from watching a bunch of FPS scripts and found Mathf.Clamp used by some scripts but I must have misunderstood them.