Mathf.Min, get which object is the minimum?

Hello there,

I have this code here where I use a Mathhf.min, and it works out what the closest object is.
But it only spits out the distance of what is closest, i want to know what object that is, can
I put something in here to get back which of these object is the minimum and then so i can use it in a if statement?

Debug.Log(Mathf.Min(player1.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().distToPuck , player2.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().distToPuck, player3.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().distToPuck));

Try this :

        // Create a new list containing the PlayerMovement scripts
        System.Collections.Generic.List<PlayerMovement> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<PlayerMovement>()

        // Sort the list according to the `distToPuck`, in the ascending order.
        // The Sort method can take as argument a function used to compare the elements in the list
        // I've created an anonymous function to compare the distToPuck
        list.Sort( ( PlayerMovement p1, PlayerMovement p2 ) =>
            if ( Mathf.Approximately( p1.distToPuck, p2.distToPuck ) )
                return 0;
                return (int) Mathf.Sign( p1.distToPuck - p2.distToPuck );
        } )  ;
        // The list is now sorted. The first element of the list is the one with the smallest distToPuck value
        PlayerMovement bestPlayerMovement = list[0];

2nd solution :

    public PlayerMovement GetBestPlayerMovement( params PlayerMovement[] playerMovements )
        // Consider the "best" as the 1st one of the array
        PlayerMovement best = playerMovements[0];

        // Save the distToPuck as the "best" one (the smallest one)
        float minValue = best.distToPuck ;

        // Loop through the array in order to find the playerMovement with the smallest distToPuckValue
        for ( int i = 1 ; i < playerMovements.Length ; i++ )
            if ( playerMovements*.distToPuck < minValue )*

best = playerMovements*;*
minValue = playerMovements*.distToPuck;*
return best ;
And call it :
PlayerMovement playerMovement = GetBestPlayerMovement(
) ;

@Hellium Oh that looks like its above my pay grade, can you explain further what it means?
Cant seem figure out how to use it exactly.

But thanks for answer though!