Is there a built in tool for creating cinematics? If not, is anyone making them from scratch and if so, how?
Like cutscenes? the best way to do that would probably be in your animation app of choice (Cinema, Maya…) Unity’s internal animation functionality is very rudimentary.
There is no simple way to attach a camera to a spline or path? Are you suggesting that I pre-render a cut scene or that I simply setup the camera and path? Does unity support playback of videos for FMV’s?
for a camera path this has been done:
I actually thought of a better way to do camera paths that doesn’t use physics (but still uses Blender paths), but I haven’t gotten around to implementing it yet. So that will be obsolete if/when I do get around to it.
It will take Unity Technologies 3269 years to develop such a system.
I would go to the asset store, download iTween Visual Editor and use it for camera fly throughs and alike.
But anything beyond that is not possible so far.
The system thats furthest developped is the Cinematic Editor from Summer of code 2009, whichs unfinished U2 based sources are available for free.
could you use blender and import that into unity3d
Director: Sequencer: Platform roadmaps | Unity
“UnityEngine.Experimental.Director - added - 5.2.0”