Max Mesh to water mesh Problem

Hi All
I have a triangular lake that I need to create
Inside Unity Pro the default Daylight Water works great as long as I use the accompanying “water plane mesh” disc for geometry
when I try to replace it with my own geometry it behaves as if the mapping is from the “x axis” not from the “Yaxis”
I have tried moving the mapping coordinates around in Max but to no avail

is it possible to create your own geometry as a mesh for water (it says so in the reference)?
what am I doing wrong?
thanks for any help

Well I kinda solved it with a work around (I feel so lame using workarounds)
I imported the water mesh into Max and reshaped it into a Triangle and then re-exported it and the mapping seems to be working out
I checked the UV coordinates with UnwrapUVW and they were very simple and as you would expect.
is it possible that my mesh is based on a Grid where the water plane is a radial type geometry, and Grids are bad?
I have done this on with the same bad results on 3 different machines so what ever I’m doing wrong
Im doing it consistently so…
any ideas?