Max poly's per level?

I know the max polies per object are 65556, but what is the max polies per level? I have for instance, single objects used in combination (independent of each other for poly count but count towards the entire level size) to make up entire towns and building floors. I have completely modularized building construction for city blocks. Problem is, I am running into engine lock ups. Now, I know that I can build entire buildnigs using this code with DirectX based engines without a hitch and get about 30FPS on average, but after aboue 1/4 of the guilding assembles in Unity, well, the engine just pukes (stops responding), then I get a critical error (already sent in one bug report that just shows the error).

So am I simply running into a poly limit with Unity?
If so, just let me know and I will work around this issue.

That’s actually the max number of vertices.

There are no hard limits. Naturally you want to keep the number down if you want to run on low-end systems, so probably you want to use some kind of LOD system rather than trying to use millions of polygons.

Unity is a Direct3D based engine. (On Windows anyway.)


So basically, if I have a model that has <5000 vertices and I add them in a stack of 100, according to this I should be fine. Hmmm… must be something in my code then. Back to the code debugging.

I did test with my character who is 5800 vertices.
I instantiated 25 with each one plays an animation, and I got at least 25FPS on my macbookpro 2.2ghz.
But a good solution is to manage your characters with a LOD implementation.

What do you get when you have 100 going at once?

I didn’t try it…But I’ll try tomorrow…Stay tuned !

I’ve got a ~600k archviz model and landscape running around 20-30fps on a G5 and faster on my MBP. Must admit I was pleasantly surprised and the client is very happy.


Hum, impressive
Do you have a lot of ligth ? Or lightmap ?
Is is possible to have just an screenshot for example ?
Sorry, I’m curious

I use 1 ‘sun’ directional light for the brave one’s who want to turn on realtime shadows :wink: Everything else is lightmapped.

Sorry no screenshots yet. Still under NDA.


Anyone wanna tell me why this vertex limitation exists in the first place? Could be wrong, but do any other engines have this limitation? :?

Because this way each vertex only needs 2 bytes. Otherwise you’d have to double the amount of VRAM needed for vertices, which wouldn’t make a lot of sense considering how rarely you’d want more than 65K. In any case it’s not much of a limitation; just break objects with massive amounts of vertices into more than one part.


Just for your information, you can get these results as you want.

I have a 5880 vertices character, with bump specular + animation looped.

I instantiate 100 characters, with one light, with hard shadows enabled.

I 've got on my macbookpro 2.2ghz 3Go Ram, GeForce 8600M GT
With the exe on the Mac for the minimum FPS: 6FPS.
with shadows disabled : 9 FPS

On my PC, quadcore 2.2Ghz, Geforce 8800GTS 512M-> 25 FPS with hard shadows enabled.

There is no level of detail implementation.

For me, it’s very impressive, having 100 characters with animation with such FPS. One more time, good job Unity Team !

this is amazing! does anyone know how it would respond if im also doing a first person shooter? im hoping to have 50 animated characters, and only one shooter.

my machine specs are:
Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

I’ve got now 2 ligths with hard shadow and terrain+pixel enabled.
10 up to 20 characters with shophisticated animations (8 animations per characters, up to 35 frames per anim).
I add a level of detail management, thus my characters are 5800 or 1800 polygons, depending on the distance from the camera.

I’ve got at least 20 FPS with my exe on my Mac, 40 to 70 on my PC.
The number of polygons displayed in the unity stats window is 800k maximum.

Hope it helps you,

thanks alot!!!
i’ve pulled in 10 animated robots (Unity prefabs) to test my system. after a few minutes, my fan starts, and i checked cpu usage and its up to 99% when i play… is this ok?

what do you think i should do…? increase my ram? dont want to crash my system…


I didn’t remember such a behavior.
My CPU is not blocked at 99% even with Unity Editor and my app launched and VMWare+ VisualC#Express launched.
I’ve got 3Go Ram on my Macbookpro.

Try to disable scripts linked to your characters to see if some bad code leads to the 99% CPU.
Did you try with 1, then 2, then 3 characters ?

Yes; games (and Unity) generally try to run as fast as possible and use all the CPU they can. You can use a script with Thread.Sleep() to keep framerates down and limit CPU to some extent, but that’s not default behavior. Keep in mind that all Macs have a minimum of two cores, so 99% is only half your total CPU available (Mac Pros can go up to 800%). While Unity is multi-threaded to some extent, it seems to mostly keep to one CPU. Adding RAM would have zero effect on CPU usage, since that’s a completely different thing.
