max to fbx

Hi There,

Just wondered is there a solution to converting a .max file that i created in the educational 3ds max 2011 version into my 3ds max 2008 full version? I can see the image of the model but i just cant import the newer .max file into my old full version of 3ds Max 2008 :frowning: Because i want to at least convert it to fbx or obj for further manipulation…

Cheers Black Knight:sunglasses:

No. 2008 backward compatibility isn’t supported in the newer versions of max. You may need to export the 2011 version as an fbx out of the student version (or a trial version of the most recent version of max) and import back into the 2008 software in order to further manipulate it.

Ah warez, but you can use Autodesk FBX Converter and choose the FBX version compatibility as hinted above.

Why do you assume I am using a warez copy I don’t deal in that virus ridden shite! As I thought tweisner , looks like i will have to re install the education version then export as fbx . I did see a script lurking in this forum relating to max to fbx conversion but I’m unsure if this works with max 2008? The converter won’t work because it w
ont accept .max files! Maybe I might still have the original file in obj when I created the model in silo. Before doing more work with it in max.

Well I’m in luck I ended up having saved a copy of my model in .obj I imported that into max 2008 my legit copy and hey presto imported like magic! Just converted it to fbx too… No need for student edition 2011 reinstall … Right back to modeling and animating;)