Max Transform position

I’m working on an infinite generator, which actually works.

But I’m wondering,if there is a limit to the value at which we can set position.x, position.y and position.z of any transform?


Theoretically no, however the further away you mesh is from the origin, the more distorted it is rendered, as you can see below:

A model located at 0,178,0 is rendered flawlessly

The same model located at: 0,178,22000 still looks good, but is not rendered correctly at certain angles, at this point your the model is rendered with some nasty black stripes on it. As you get further and further away the more notorious the distortion is. See how the same mode looks when located at: 0,178,2220000

It really looks bad, so perhaps it is a good idea to redefine what we understand by “infinite” when using Unity to render a scene.

There’s no limit (well, there is, but it’s huge). However, the larger the numbers get, the less accurate the values get.