Maximizing FPS - disabling rooms in a scene

Is this an acceptable way to gain FPS? To disable/enable rooms within the same scene, it may not help with culling objects to draw but it turns off all NPC’s, physics, particles, sounds …etc that are not near the player.

I’m trying to eek out every little FPS for VR…



What it even means “acceptable” in this context?

I think it is quite obvious, that you don’t want to run anything that is uneccessery for gameplay and player experience.

So yes, you can disable / hide / unload things which are not in use.

If it works, then yes it is.

I’d check if disabling renderer alone first produces sufficient effect.


This is just pretty standard logic culling. If you want to get more performance though, your best bet is to use the profiler to figure out what’s eating most of your rendering time.

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yeah, “acceptable” was not a great choice of words, I meant is this a “good practice” or should it be avoided for some reason I was not aware of…

yes, been using profiler, a lot of remaining time usage falls under the “other catagory”, Ive already done a ton of graphic optimizations, looking for even more…

This just popped up on my YT for some reason.

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This is what we do in Ziggurat 2. You have to be careful what scripts do during ‘onEnable’ and such, to avoid performance hiccups but, other than that, optimize yourself all you can, don’t leave everything to the engine.


Various tricks, cutting corners, etc, are all standard practice in game dev. For example, I read a dev blog once regarding a AAA game where they extended the road leading to a town in the scene, to make the player run down the road longer, just to add additional time to load in all the textures before they got to the town. Those kind of hacky solutions are what game dev is really made of :stuck_out_tongue: