Maximum triangles (tris) budget in a app?


Do you know the maximum (triangles) for a app on the last powerfull ipad ?

I don’t know the budget exactly, but I guess there are many solutions, I see 4 questions for the moment :

1/Violent solution” : max polygon budget whithout streaming or LOD

2/LOD solution” : max polygon budget whith LOD

3/Optimised solution” : polygon budget whith LOD streaming solution (I don’t know do that but I think it exists)

4/ I know there are a maxium weight for the app actually : 100MB ? more ?

If you know that, even one of these questions, please let me know :slight_smile:

There’s no number anyone can give you; it depends on how the polygons are actually used (transparency or not), what sort of shaders you use, draw calls, etc. It’s more efficient to just do a basic test and see how it runs. If it doesn’t run well, profile to see where the problem is.


Ok you’re right, but I remember that 2 years ago, the average budget for a mobile device was 200.000 to 500.000 tris max (simple shader no shadow) (ipad3 retina).

(but it was with AS3/Away3D solution)