Maximum world size and speed?

Thinking about scale for my game, it would be good to know whats the maximum world size for a scene? Also what is the maximum speed unity can handle for physics objects?

1 unit = 1 meter. Speed depends on hardware, iterations etc, and is down to the programmer.

But whats the limit? What are the maximum values you can assign ìn a vector3?

After a quick test, it seems 100,000 is the limit. It goes both the negative way too, so essentially 200k is the limit for a world size in a single real time scene.

But what about speed? What is the speed limit? :neutral:

That’s not actually limit but everything starts to go a bit mess with that big numbers: jitter, imprecisions etc.

No limit, but really fast things are unpredictable, especially with physics.
As Hippo said, it depends… Mostly from physics calculations accuracy settings.

ps. Kas, näkyyhän täällä suomalaisiakin :wink:

Okay, but what is the speed limit before those imprecision occur then?

I wouldn’t want my physics going bonkers by going over the limits if I can help it. Unity states clearly that 100k is the maximum distance before it happens in terms of position, so what is the limit of velocity then?

In normal use I haven’t seen any other problems than some objects gong through thin objects if the physics calculations are set too low. Actually in my Android game I have some problems with objects passing through thin collider as the time step is rather high…
Hard to say any limit, because it depends on so many things, only way would be to just test yourself.

the docs tell you how you can deal with fast speeds etc in rigidbody settings. You should get your feet wet.

Thats nasty, without solid information I might have hard time defining the basic scale of the world spaces and how fast I can go on them. Wish I didn’t have to do trial and error, but be able to figure this out before actually going in…

Good hint, I found the part where they mention it. Thanks.

Also found out the true limit of world space, which is 3.402823E+38 (its a 38 digit number for those who don’t know). Courtesy of this Answer. (Link)