Maya 2018 Animation visibility key set doesn't translate over to UNITY automatically fbx file

Ok so on my timeline in Maya I have key frames that have visibility turned off. They get turned on at certain parts on the timeline. I do not want to use scale to make parts appear and disappear. I would prefer to use visibility attribute. When I bake the key frames and export out as a .fbx file to Unity project, the visibility key frames are ignored. The translation seems to be getting lost from MAYA visibility to Unity’s rendering both are the same function. One Is there something I’m not doing correctly when importing or is there some kind of setup in Unity I need to do so Unity knows what those keys are suppose to do in the animation. I have seen it work from import just can’t remember how. If someone has a great workflow for this and wants to share it I would be very grateful!

The visibility is baked into the animation from my timeline when I export the file to Unity. It seems that unity doesn’t know what key frames I have the object turned off. Like it ignores what in the animation key frames.

The animation I created is from Maya not Unity. When Unity gets my FBX file with the baked animation in it, it seems to be ignoring my visibility keys I have turned off. Visibility is rendering in Unity.

Also this that function work on all version of Unity?

George W Palmer

Interesting no one has a clue. wow these forum’s are dead, or no one cares.

As always seems to be the case when I have an issue and find a thread that matches my issue exactly sigh

Yay! For once the documents actually had the answer I was looking for. Unfortunately the answer is “no”, but at least it’s a definitive answer:

The Autodesk® Maya® FBX Exporter bakes un-supported complex animations constraints, such as Set Driven Keys, in order to import the animation into Unity properly. If you are using Set Driven Keys in Autodesk® Maya®, make sure to set keys on your drivers in order for the animation to be baked properly. For more information, see the Autodesk® Maya® documentation on Keyframe Animation.

for anyone still stuck in this

make sure you set import visiblity in import setting