I have a scene with only a cube as floor and 3 cube enemies. now I’ve made a testing model in maya with some animations. Whenever I run my game without animations I have 60 FPS, then the moment an animation starts it drops to 12 fps. If i add another maya model with any animation it drops to 3 FPS.
I noticed unity imports animations at 30 FPS and my Maya was set to “Film (24FPS)” in preferences. Also my model is just some spheres and cubes that I parented to the bones (instead of binding skin). Could any of this cause the problem?
First I exported my maya files as FBX and exported every animation separately with baking done in Maya. Then I tried importing the complete .mb file in unity and select bake animations in unity and split animations there. Both ways my FPS drops when running any animation.
In script I use animation.CrossFade("run");
and it is called inside the update function… but I don’t think that’s causing the problem cause when I set the model with automatically play idle animation, the FPS is also dropping before even running any animation triggering in the script.
Any ideas what might be causing the problem?
I’m kinda new to unity and especially the 3D modeling/animating part so any help would be greatly appreciated!