Maya Animations

I am using MAYA 2008

I have 10 (fbx) characters that came from MAX. So they don’t have rigs, they have the basic biped bone setup.

I have a walkcyle (set of keyframes) that I want to apply to 10 other characters. What is the easiest way to go about this? I assume it is possible. I can’t imaging animating 10 different walk cycles.


I had a similar problem.
What I had to do was make sure that the hierarchy looks similar when fbx files are imported into Unity.


otherwise, the characters wouldn’t animate properly.
I did this by using export selection from several different maya files which shared the same skeleton, but with different rigs.
(I sometimes had to bake the animation and delete the rigs)
Make sure that the animations are being baked to avoid fk/ik problems as well.