Maya character animations

I’m trying to export a character from Maya. I’ve put drivers (nurbs circles) to the joints with constrains. The issue is that I exported everything perfect but in encouraging moves the driver but not the bone. For other examples I’ve seen animations of characters, you can export and encourage drivers.

Do you know where is the problem?. Thank you very much.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by “encouraging moves”, but my guess is that you need to bake your animations during export.

I think my problem is when I export to FBX animation because I can not turn constrains options.
It is my problem?
I enclose a picture of the FBX exporter. I can´t activate CONSTRAINS.

I don’t know why you can’t include that and even if you were able it doesn’t matter, because Unity won’t read them.

Go to Animation tab and enable “Bake animation” instead. See if that helps.

“Bake animation” is now activated.
The problem is that Unity does not understand the constraints?

So it still doesn’t work with “Bake animation”?

Yes, doesn´t work. I can´t to see the animation correctly.

If you import your fbx animation back into Maya does it look correct?

Hello again,
When importing back the fbx to Maya, I can´t to see the IK handles. In the options fbx exporter I put “bake animation”, “constraints” and “Ik”.
I have also tried to get the file. Ma (. Mb too) in the root of the project, but I stuck the unity.
How I can export the Ik handles?

Select all of your bones and then bake the animation in Maya. Unity won’t recognize your rig. The keys need to be baked into the bones.

That was the problem, I have to make it bake the bones in Maya.

If FBX plugin doesn’t bake it for you (when baking is turned on) than you should submit it as a bug to Autodesk.