maya export to unity

have 2 problems about my job. When I import the animation from Maya, It shows that kinds of thing:

1.Mesh ‘bug_wing_L’ has 40 (out of 40) vertices with no weight and bone assigned (they will be assigned to bone #0 with weight 1). The list of vertices: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and so on…

2.Skipping influences for ‘joint65’ because it is marked as ADDITIVE. This most likely means that you are using a blend shape or custom deformer, which is not supported.

I have found a lot, but it is useless. I have use bake animation. Please help me!


The second error is fired when you are using RIGID BIND in maya which is not supported in unity. You’ll have to go back to maya and re-bind and re-paint a smooth skin to the skeleton. It pisses me off too, but google isn’t giving me easier options.

Now to the first mistake - it’s just saying that it’s a separate object, fix the second one and it’s gonna be ok.

I know I answered 3 years late but hope it’ll help others with the same problem.