Maya fbx vs Blender fbx

Hello guys,
I am working on a game and designers gave me a fbx file of scene and a car. He is working in blender. I imported in unity with scale factor to 1 and everything working fine.
But now another designer give me another scene fbx but made in maya. i imported in same way but now my blender imported car is coming much small as compare to whole scene.

can anybody please guide me about the problem and how to fix it?


My guess is: Blender and Maya are exporting fbx with different units. Or your models are modeled in different scale. Change your modeling scales or globalScale on FBXImporter.

When I import an FBX file into Maya, it comes in with transforms = 0,0,0, rotation = 0,0,0 and scale = 1,1,1. When I import the same FBX file into Blender, it comes in as transform 0,0,0, rotation = 90,0,0 and scale 0.01,0.01, 0.01. I simply do an "Object>Apply>All Transforms. This resets all scales. I use Better FBX Exporter, and set the scale to the default (100). The FBX comes out exactly as it would in Maya. It comes into Unity with transforms all set correctly (rotation = 0,0,0 and scale = 1,1,1). Hope that helps.