Hey guys I was just wondering if i should do my robot animation in Maya or 3DS Max. I know this is a noob question but what am i supposed to do?
“Should I wear my blue shirt or my red shirt today?”
Seriously… what kind of question is this? How are we supposed to answer this?
You animate in whatever you have available. If neither is available get the trial versions and find out which suits your needs better.
Maya of course!
You should animate it in unity if you do not have 3D skills. The unity animation editor is quite a bit less complex than a typical 3D package (although quirky!) so give that a try.
I’m sorry i slightly disagree with this, even the thought of trying to animate a robot using unity’s built in animation system instead of max or maya hurts my brain lol,
if you don’t have 3d skills and want to be able to do it yourself, don’t waste time doing it wrong, learn maya or max
i like max, other people may like maya, neither one is going to be better or worse. it just whatever one you decide to sit down and learn
Use Blender!! I love Blender
I have to agree with libera-me. It’s kind of an open ended question. Play with both 3D apps and use whichever one you work more efficiently with. I personally know both 3DS Max and Maya but I learn Max when I attended college and I taught myself Maya after words. Which do I prefer, of course 3DS Max.
O and if you can’t afford Max or Maya get Blender it is an awesome tool which is another tool I have recently started to use more often because it is free.