Maya to unity????

Basicly, i have made a building in maya, then imported it to unity.

In unity, the buliding i created has a few walls and stuff missing.

I have mesh colliders, and on a few of the walla missing, i can go through them.
When i go through them they appear on the other side.

Lighting is everywhere…

Model both sides of walls.


I have?
Its not a thin wall, do you have teamviewer, can you help me out???

Make sure the surface normals are pointing outward, then.


There’s a specific process for exporting from Maya.

Did you make sure your normals are in the right direction?

Are the UVs unwrapped correctly?

Did you clear the history of the object before saving and exporting?

yes to all

Get the last FBX export Plugin and export as fbx. Is working fine for me. (direct Maja files are mostly corrupt or have no uv maps )