I imported the full Unity Measured Materials Library and I’m using some of its materials in a HDRP scene. I followed the instructions to add the Diffusion Profile, that comes with the Library, to the Diffusion Profile List of the HDRP Asset.
I keep getting the error: Failed to upgrade the diffusion profile node value, reseting to default value. To remove this message save the shader graph with the new diffusion profile reference. UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow:BuildPlayerAndRun()
I replaced the Diffusion Profile in the list for the newly generated one and reimported the ShaderGraphs folder but the error persists.
I noticed the scene root node has a *. I tried saving it, closing the editor and reopening it, but the * persists there…
Unity 2019.2.6f1 High Definition RP preview-6.9.1 Unity Measured Materials Library 1.0
After some digging, I found that I have to open FabricSuede in the ShaderGraph and set the Diffussion Profile in the node with the same name.
I still have another error: Shader error in ‘Shader Graphs/Wood’: ‘GetAmbientOcclusionFactor’: output parameter ‘aoFactor’ not completely initialized at /Users/antao/Documents/augmentedretail2/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@6.9.1-preview/Runtime/Material/StackLit/StackLit.hlsl(67) (on d3d11) Compiling Fragment program with DECALS_3RT SHADOW_LOW USE_CLUSTERED_LIGHTLIST DEBUG_DISPLAY Platform defines: UNITY_ENABLE_REFLECTION_BUFFERS UNITY_USE_DITHER_MASK_FOR_ALPHABLENDED_SHADOWS UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF1 UNITY_SPECCUBE_BOX_PROJECTION UNITY_SPECCUBE_BLENDING UNITY_ENABLE_DETAIL_NORMALMAP SHADER_API_DESKTOP UNITY_LIGHT_PROBE_PROXY_VOLUME UNITY_LIGHTMAP_FULL_HDR
I found a workaround some days ago but it’s annoying that it keeps returning. Double click on the error message and add the following to the end of the GetAmbientOcclusionFactor method: