Hi Everyone,
Im attempting to replicate a control system similar to dead ops arcade, where the left stick controls movement and the right controls your aiming.
Im attempting to take the position of the left and right sticks to match the correct animation but am having an extremely difficult time trying to figure out the best method to achieve this.
If my model is facing up I want the left stick to animate him walking forward backward left and right respectively, when he faces left for instance the animations now need to be rotated, so left becomes forward, down becomes left, right animates him walking backward ect.
Is there a way to multiply the values of the analog sticks to get a unique x and y combination for each animation… or is there a simpler way of doing this. I have rounded each direction to -1, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 1 for simplicity but am still struggling to figure out how to achieve my goal here. Please note the values in the motion panel in the inspector are way off and he only correctly animates when hes facing up with the walk forward and quarter turn right / left animations functioning.
Any help / a point in the right direction would be awesome - Let me know if I need to provide more clarity in what im trying to achieve here aswell.