Mecanim how to make a the shooting animation fire rapidly

I’m trying to make an FPS with mecanim. I want to make it so my shooting animation can fires as fast as I can click. I’m using Input.GetButton(“Fire1”) instead of getbuttondown to test how fast it can shoot. It doesn’t seem to be restarting the shooting animation fast enough, though. I want to know if I’m going about it the right way, and what the best way to make it go as fast as I can click is.

Here’s my state machine: And here’s the script I’m currently using:

currentBaseState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
		if(currentBaseState.nameHash == shootState)
	       anim.SetBool("Shot", false);
	       MuzzleFlashRenderer.enabled = false;
		   ShootLight.enabled = false;	

Under “Any State”, set the “Can Transition To Self” to true.