I have an animator component that controls blendshapes on a model’s face. This animator is working fine for lipsyncing different animations, and only affects 7 out of the 28 blendshapes on the face.
I want to control the other 21 blendshapes independently of the mecanim system - making the eyes blink randomly, eyebrows arch in surprise etc. To my surprise, I could not change any of the other blendshapes while the mecanim animator was active. Only after setting animator inactive could I get the blendshapes to change. This occurs even when playing an empty node in the mecanim animator.
Is there something I am missing here? I don’t think baking random blinking into hundreds of dialogue animations is a solution, and it probably won’t achieve the desired effect also. Animation blending is not the correct solution as well because the desired effect is not a blending effect.
How can I change unaffected blendshapes (like eyelids) manually when the mecanim animator is active on the face?