Mecanima script access?

If I have for example 50 or more states what is best approach of defining state constant?

int myState50=Animator.toHashString("Should I open Animator to see state name");

x 50 times
as tutorial suggest :slight_smile:
also to apply performance with access to int hashes, accessable(alluding on Enum) and scallable (what if I do 51 state or change name of “Should I open Animator to see state name” to “Mecanim script access is needed from basic like this to serious stuff”;

P.S I wish it was Unity Creative instead of Unity Enforce Security
P.S2 Should waste creativity on creating InputManager or Logger?!

You know you can also use state.IsName("Name of State") rather than prehashing each state to an int? It’s probably a tad slower, but it’s a lot more flexible while you’re still developing, adding/changing states etc.