Mecanim's retargetting animation for generic rig - pseudosolution proposal

I think majority of us feel that we cant use full features Mecanim for both rig type is very annoying and - generally - we have to use legacy anim for any-ledges rig when we should use only ONE system - Mecanim or legacy for avoid redundant - so i present pseudo-idea for solve it (FOR FUTURE OFC)

We can see that monkey, human, elves and whatever is very similar in rig and movement behaviour, so we can called them: HUMANOID (like now in Mecanim)


We can see that tiger, dogs, cat, lion and other wild predators have very similar rig and movement behaviour too so we can called them: WILD_PREDATORS

last next:

We can see that fantasy creatures like dragon, chimera (like in HoMM III) and other fantasy predators have very similar rig and movement behaviour too so we can called them: FANTASY_PREDATORS

etc. etc…

but… WAIT WAIT! we need system as flexible as possible so…?

I think UT can create tool where we can define new rig type with default HUMANOID only and it cannot be deleted (for start).

When we named and create new type then we MUST choose ONE BASE/MATRICE (or whatever words…) rig and fire button called Calculate base /matrice rig . Then Editor open dialog with warning It can take several minutes. You will continue?. If we accept then unity calculate rig like humanoid now and create 2d (or 3d if possible because its more flexible) avatar mask for base rig and save it into file or whatever.

Now we can set in any mesh with rig custom rig type not only HUMANOID or GENERIC and animation can be share between same type rig (like retargetting humanoid now)

Finally, we can use retargetting anim for any rig!

Nameing convention for generic rig IK

we should use in name hand for define hand IK event and feet for feet event IK.Or completely different and flexible solution - 3d avatr mask with chooseable part of body (based on rig) for define IK element - it have pros like no name restrictions in rig but its harder to achive than nameing convetion i think

Or better idea is loading IK created in 3d software like blender /maya etc?

It’s all. Constructive opinions are very appreciated!

For UT: i know its not trivial to implements but - now - it’s only “academic discussion” for future. And i would be very grateful when you say whether is it possible or there is any plan for support generic rig (and btw - IK events)?

The purpose of the generic rig is to be as… well… GENERIC as possible, so providing overly specific types of rig is probably not wise. What if someone wants animated machinery? Plants? Giant tentacle monsters?

Hang on… humanoid donkeys?

very similar -main difference is only pose and some animation but not all (for games ofc). However rig is very similar so i think its right.


o la la my fail… i had mean monkey T.T thanks for attention !


i think about matrices rig because some group creatures have similar rig (or animation) - if you can find some plants which have similar rig or animation you should choose base rig and, after parsing, Unity can compare rig for retargetting. Anyway if you cannot find similar creatures then you dont need retargetting because retargetting between rig with HUGE differencies is inadequate, right?
