Membrane, translucent and phosphorescent material?

I imported an object from a 3D app.

How can I make that object to be Membrane, translucent and phosphorescent?

The color is similar to

But, it should be more translucent and membrane.

How should I make that material? Does it need build-in or 3rd party shader?

Assuming that by translucent and phosphorescent, you mean transparent and self-illuminating, then Unity has built-in shaders which will do that. I’m not sure what you mean by “membrane” as an adjective, though.

I read the manual

I imported an object from Cheetah3D and apply the transparent vertix lit shader, select a material and add a direction light.

However, it is not transparent (color still solid) and how should I do it?

It looks like the answer is right there in your screen shot. Does your texture have an alpha channel? This is what controls opacity, and it will be completely opaque if you use an RGB image rather than RGBA.

Alternatively, you can change the alpha channel of the main colour property if you want uniform opacity.

Does your texture have an alpha channel? This is what controls opacity, and it will be completely opaque if you use an RGB image rather than RGBA.

Alternatively, you can change the alpha channel of the main colour property if you want uniform opacity.

  1. RGB - Yes, it is RGB image from photoshop with alpha channel

  2. RGB Base Trans A - it is default in unity and i cannot change it

  3. Alpha - I have AlphaUtility in photoshop and there is alpha channel in the image

I attached the photoshop image

How can I change the alpha channel of the main colour in unity?

The image color in unity is solid and not transparent (unable see through)


sorry, this forum does not allow upload psd file

And, I think I may be wrong to create the alpha image and so unity does not display it properly

I would like to ask do you know any tutorial or threads about it?

did you check the manual about that specific shader. all builtin shaders have documentation in the references - shaderlab so you can learn about how it works so you can use it the right way.

as for psd and alpha: go to the image color channels and add an alpha channel

Your colour picker should have a slider for alpha in it, allowing you to adjust the alpha of the main colour.

As far as the alpha channel of the image, if Unity won’t let you import as RGBA then Photoshop is not saving your alpha channel. Photoshop is pretty finicky about how it saves alpha depending on what file format you use, and whether you are using explicit or pre-multiplied alpha channels.

I can change alpha in main color picker, but the effect seems still not ok

May I ask how should I set the alpha channel properly in photoshop?

I go to the channel besides layer properties and add a new channel.

Is it the proper step?

I cannot capture the screen in photoshop


I tried to use rar to zip the psd file to upload

I tried the whole day and the object still not transparent.

Anyone could help?

I need the whole imported object to be transparent and there is only one mesh and single material.

I searched this forum and cannot find any solution to create a transparent imported object.

282762–10162–$rgb_513.rar (42.5 KB)

I tried to use external shader

is the closest what i want

can apply texture

However, both of them are not luminescent like

So, is the problem related to shader?

How should I custom the shader code of Blended Flat Color

to have luminescent effect?

Shader "BlendedFlatColor" {
    Properties {
        _Color ("Main Color, Alpha", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
    Category {
        ZWrite Off
        Lighting Off
        Tags {Queue=Transparent}
        Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
        Color [_Color]
        SubShader {
            Pass {
                Cull Off
