Memory leak in editor windows

Hi, hoping to get some advice or guidance.

I’ve been working on a project for the last few weeks (6000.0.30f1 URP) and have noticed a strange error message in the console window

It says something like
“There are remaining Allocations on the JobTempAlloc. This is a leak, and will impact performance”
“CommandBuffer: temporary render texture not found while executing (Copy source) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(int, intptr, bool&)”
“Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 15)”

I have no idea what is causing this, and I currently have Unity opened via command line with the tag
“-diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation” as the editor suggested I do, but I don’t know where exactly to look to see the specifics of the leak.

I’m able to recreate the error by selecting stuff within the inspector window

ie - if I click an object whose script has an exposed component (Audio clip, Material, prefab, whatever) that will allow me to select something from within the project files by clicking the little circle icon… it throws the leak.
It doesn’t matter what type it is, and doesn’t have to be on a script. I can go to a material inspector and the error will happen when selecting the Albedo Texture for the material.

When the window pops up, showing a grid layout of all files of that type, the error will pop up as well, and it will take forever to scroll thru the options. Sometimes the leak error will have just one appearance (shown by a 1 at the right side of console), other times it will increase the number infinitely. Suddenly stopping when I close that grid select window.

However, I noticed that objects already in the scene, that have a script asking to reference a “Transform” - clicking the little circle icon will show the available “Transforms” in the scene. In this case, the error will not pop up.

Is this possibly a problem with the Unity Editor itself, or could something in my project be doing it?
I honestly have no idea where to look or what to look for, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, it’d be greatly appreciated!

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updating the thread:
So, unable to figure out what may have caused this error to pop up, I have slowly been working backwards and removing any changes or imports I’ve made to the project since first noticing the leak error + any changes leading up to it.

Luckily I have backups, but now that my project is stripped to being barebones, I am still receiving:

[Worker] Internal: There are remaining Allocations on the JobTempAlloc. This is a leak, and will impact performance.

Now, it no longer appears only when selecting Textures for materials, audioClips, etc. it will pop up every single time I click something within the Project View Window.

Click into a new folder? Memory leak error. Click on a script? Memory leak.
Click nothing in the Project view, just empty space? Memory leak.

Right now, my project is stripped. Within the Assets folder, I have a “Scene” folder with the sample scene, an empty scene, and a scene with a single cube.
I also have a “Prefab” folder with an asset of a cube and a basic script that rotates the object along the Y-axis. Finally, a “Material” folder with a basic urp-lit material for that cube.
Doesn’t matter, clicking on anything in my Asset folder will throw a “memory leak” error.

This is seriously frustrating, I’m gonna migrate my backed up scripts and files onto a 2022 or 2023 lts version for the time being. Hopefully that will stop the memory leak errors from appearing.

Have you figured this out? I think it’s just a bug in Unity.