Memory Profiler 1.0.0 Memory Usage is showing 23% difference but it is coming from unknown source

I’m trying to optimize the memory usage and I used the memory optimser.
There is a huge difference between snapshots (23%) however all memory category types changes are minor. Here is the compare snapshot from the game.

Any ideas?

Note: I am not using addressables.

Just so we’re all on the same page, would you mind clarifiyng what that is?

For similar reasons:

  • What exact Unity version is the capture from?
  • What roughly happened between the snapshots?
  • Do you have any Native Plug-ins in your project (i.e. in some Plugin forlder)?
  • What platform (if not under NDA, otherwise maybe put up another thread in the corresponding forum space) is the capture from?
  • Mono or IL2CPP?