Memory Profiler, "Capture Player" only works once

Using Unity 2019.3.0f5, I load up my scene, press Capture Player, and it creates a Snapshot. I then do things in that scene, and press Capture Player again (to track down a memory leak), and it does nothing at all. The button highlights as a button should when pressed, but nothing appears to happen.

Note, this is when connected to a Player running on a different computer over the network (and the Player is a Linux computer, the editor with the profiler is a Windows computer, with Linux as target platform).

I closed the Memory Profiler window, re-opened it, and that allowed me to CapturePlayer again

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Hi :slight_smile:
Sorry you ran into this issue. I’m assuming you’re using the latest package release 0.2.0-preview.1 and build the player with an editor that had the Package installed as well?

We’re not currently aware of this issue, could you please file a bug report for this using the bug reporter tool in the editor?

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