Memory Profiler Connectome view missing


We’ve been working on pinpointing the causes of some memory leaks we’re having, and we’ve found the Memory Profiler super useful for that!

However, because of the complexity of our project, it’s almost impossible to find all the static roots which causes our objects to not be GC Collected using the table view.

Now we’ve stumbled upon this Unity demo from 2018:

@ time 38:04

This is the same profiler that showed a connectome, which visualizes all the references to the object in question. This feature would be very very useful, but we couldn’t find this feature in our version of the Memory Profiler. We use the latest version from the Package manager; version preview.1 - 0.2.9. Version 0.2.0 does not seem to have it either. Unity version 2019.4.10.

How can we use this feature? And if, for whatever reason, this feature can’t be re-enabled, are there other ways to find the unique static roots of a reference? Thanks.


The Connectome was an experimental view that was never shipped and the code for it has since gone stale in version control, so reviving it is not really feasible at the moment. We’re aware that the current way of clicking through the Reference Count numbers is less than suboptimal and working towards addressing that, together with a general overhaul of the table views. Having some filtered views for e.g. static roots is something we want to address with this table rework.

Thank you for your reply. I’ve just found that the Heap Explorer for Unity ( GitHub - pschraut/UnityHeapExplorer: A Memory Profiler, Debugger and Analyzer for Unity 2019.3 and newer. ) exposes paths to root, which include statics, with the complete path included. For now this is good enough for us, but definitely a feature to be added to the Memory Manager to make it more useful.

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