Memory Profiler shows Graphics -> <No Name>

I’m seeing a memory spike right when my game loads. I’ve captured it a memory snapshot, and there’s some huge ‘Graphics’ allocation but no information on what it is ( as per the attached image).

This looks like some kind of bug, and at any rate I need to be able to track down this spike so the game can work on other platforms.

Can someone help me work around this issue or come up with another strategy?


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It is indeed a bug that they have no name. That should be fixed in a newer Unity patch version.

Generally that only happened with buffers used by the graphics backend, like scratch buffers or temporary ones that are currently not used but reserved for later reuse.

So this is 2022.41f - guessing a fix is an indeterminate amount of time away so… any tips on locating this the source of this problem?

There is a Unity base version and a package version component to the fix. The former is getting backported, the latter will need us pushing an update but due to summer holidays, that’s unlikely to happen this month. But yeah, the long and short of it is that these are generic buffers currently not in use.