Memory profiler takes all the RAM when taking a snapshot

Hi! I just used the memory profiler for the first time and tried to capture a snapshot on the main menu of the game. The process took a while, and it was constantly eating up my ram.

Once it finished, the ram was still being used. I needed to close Unity to free it. Here is a pic

During the process I got various warning messages in the console like these:
"Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 6)"

And these ones (because I also have the regular profiler ON)
"The system is running out of memory. Please close applications to free memory or free up space on the partition where the pagefile is located."

Unity version: 2022.3.21f1
Memory profile version: 1.1.3

Tried again after reopening yet I had the same issue.

Is this a known issue, or is it just me? Is there something I can do?


Did you try to capture the Editor, or a Player?
And did you simultaneously record frame data with the Profiler window? If yes, is it better if you pause recording of frame data while taking the snapshot?

Technically taking a snapshot shouldn’t increase the memory usage, or at least not significantly. Opening it is a different story. So this is indeed a bit odd.

Hi, thanks for the quick answer.

I captured the editor.
Simultaneosly I was recording with the profiler.

I tried again today and the issue does not happen if the profiler is OFF.

As a note, final snapshot sizes were always ok.

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