Memory usage is not dropping. Untracked memory continues to grow.

I am trying to understand addressables. I am loading and releasing textures - which shows up in the Memory Profiler. However, the total amount of memory only travels in one direction - it continues to climb, as the memory classified as “Untracked Memory” continues to grow.

private string mainTextureKey;
private AsyncOperationHandle<Texture> mainTextureHandle;

private async UniTask LoadAndSetTexture()
            mainTextureHandle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Texture>(mainTextureKey);
            mainTexture = await mainTextureHandle.ToUniTask();
private void OnDestroy()
            mainTexture = null;

Has anyone had success with shrinking the overall memory footprint of the application?

I am building and testing on android.


@Zenchuck me too am suffering from this, did you find any fix regarding that untracked memory usage?