Menu background


I’m getting a bit further through one of my projects (for once) so I’m looking to get my basic placeholder menus upgraded into something a little fancier.

I just hacked something together when I started which is a canvas with an image and some buttons on that enables and disables as I needed. That image is just a solid light blue colour.

It’s more of a creative question really, what do people use for that background image. Just a solid colour looks pretty basic, I tried googling backgrounds but they mainly looked like desktop backgrounds…

There’s a lot of game details under the image and a lot of buttons on some of the menus so I’m not keen on transparency for it, does anyone know at good resources for a menus, or any good training sites? What has worked well for you guys so far?

Congrats :stuck_out_tongue:

The aspect of the background depends on your game, if you are making a war game you should put a war scene, if it is a platformer just some character jumping on the platforms, in a survival game some landscape…