Hello! Faced a problem, 3 days can not find a solution. Forced to seek help.
Problem: menu bar and dock disappear then unity project is running and in focus.
In more detail: just begin work with Unity, we build the first project with the following parameters: Monosnap
Expected result: The application will be launched in the window + menu bar and the dock will not disappear.
Actual result: the menu bar and dock disappeared.
Extras. info:
- the project was tested on 6 machines, for 5 it was ok, on one of the menu bar and dock disappeared (almost on all machines Mac OS 10.13.6, where the bug is reproduced Mac OS 10.13.6) if you need we can give more information about hardware;
Any idea what could be the cause of the problem?
Try throwing out the prefs (in ~/Library/Preferences) for your game. I’m thinking maybe you entered full-screen mode in some earlier build on that one particular Mac, and now that’s stuck in the prefs (since you no longer show the resolution dialog).
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JoeStrout thank you!)
We have done it, but it didn’t help solve the problem.
We noticed that project on this mac are started with the same parameters (always fullscreen window that can move), although we change them (chose windowed etc).
May be some parametrs saved somewhere in system, and we only need to find them.
Be happy of any your ideas =)
I also wanted to add: if we choose in Player Settings → Display Resolution Dialog: Enabled, only on this mac the Resolution Dialog in not appear.
May be it will help to understand problem.
I am facing same issue. In my ‘MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)’ it’s 100% regenerable