Menu Item cluttered with Services

I’m not sure since when, but i’m now seeing a Services menu taking up space in the MenuItems. In general i really dislike the clutter here (looking at you Jobs), and the Services menu literally adds nothing of value.

I do not have any service related package installed, because i despise them. Adding more buttons that say services doesnt make people want to use use services, please remove them.




Yes, this menu item is a gross addition. The cloud button already handles services, why add the services menu item? (and yes, jobs menu item should be moved somewhere else as well)


It wasn’t there in 2021.3, it’s there in 2022.2… and unfortunately still there in 2023.1, so nobody removed it. And yes, it’s oh-so-gross! After whipping asset store publishers into not spewing menus all over the place, Unity shamelessly does it.