I recently downloaded the latest patch p4 and when I opened my menu scene, all elements is invisible, but I can see the bounds of them. They are shown in the game view as usual.
Is this a bug from a patch? I need confirmation so that I know if I should downgrade or not.
Best regards, Anthon Fredriksson
Unfortunately I created a bug report when there already are one:
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This will be fixed in 5.0.2f1, which is due out this week. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Still happens in 5.0.2p2. Should it be fixed there already?
As far as we know it’s fixed. Please check that you don’t have visibility for your UI layer turned off, and that you’re not looking at your UI elements from behind.
Thanks for the reply. Looks like this is a regression:
I just confirmed that the problem does not exist in 5.0.2f1, 5.0.2p1. Since 5.0.2p2 its back again.
Ya in 5.0.2 p2 I can create a new project, new scene, new image, assign built in ui sprite (or any sprite) and it remains invisible in scene view, but shows in game view!?
I can also confirm that no UI elements are showing in the scene view since updating to 5.0.2p2.
Also 5.0.2p3 has this problem
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