Menu Window/Layouts couldn't be found

After upgrading to Unity 2019.2.0f1 (64-bit) I’m getting an error when I click on the Layout drop-down in the editor. Nothing happens and at the console I see the error ‘Menu Window/Layouts couldn’t be found’.

As well as the error above, my custom menus that use the Menu.SetChecked method in C# are no longer toggling / working in the editor.

I’ve tried reinstalling Unity, doing a complete project asset re-import, and deleting the Library folder and importing again, but still get the same issue.

Guessing there is some kind of asset / script conflict, however the editor log does not give any useful info beyond the error message I mentioned.

Anyone else have this problem or can help?

// WildStyle

Menu Window/Layouts couldn’t be found

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor/Platform/Windows/MenuControllerWin.cpp Line: 983)

Found the problem - related to the Substance in Unity asset.

I deleted the asset from outside Unity, restarted Unity and then reinstalled the Substance in Unity asset… and now it all works again.

// WildStyle

I am having the same problem; I am not using Substance.

@AzurySimon - if you upgraded and have the same issue, could be that another asset has auto-upgraded incorrectly, resulting in a similar state. If you’re using source control, you could cross-reference what has changed and investigate that way potentially.

// WildStyle

This looks to be an issue with user code clearing the following delegate:


For example the following code will clear anyone that has registered with he delayCall delegate.

EditorApplication.delayCall = () =>
//do stuff

This should be changed to
EditorApplication.delayCall += () =>
//do stuff

Just search your project fro the line and you should have the cause:

“EditorApplication.delayCall =”

Reported here:


Sadly this isn’t the cause for me. I just had to re-install the editor to address package related issues. and not got the error when before I didn’t.

Could be related to the com.unity.ugui packages and their dependencies as I had to nuke them before the reinstall.