I created cube shape, then selected face and subdivided it few times. After all i merged faces to avoid excess geometry, but it has no affect on actual geometry of mesh. Did i something wrong?
Hi! “Merge Faces” does not remove vertices or edges, it just converts the faces to a single polygon (face). Sorry for any confusion there- and yes we will definitely add this as an option and separate tooling in the near future
Can “Merge Faces” be used in Runtime ?
@gabrielw_unity , i don’t see an option to merge face in runtime.
from probuilder window, “Merge Face” option works well. [i’m using ProBuilder version 4.1.12]
is there any example to Merge Face from script?
from ProBuilder Mesh, we can use AppendFaces method but Merge Face seems to be missing…
in source code i noticed below code for “Merge Face” button
Face face = MergeElements.Merge(pb, pb.selectedFacesInternal);
Hi - I wonder if there is any update on this - is there any way to remove vertices from faces merged at runtime?
Even some sort of hack or work-around would be appreciated.