Hello everyone, I need your helps.
I got information about mesh boolean operation from some links.
- Boolean Subtraction Operations on Mesh
- GitHub - karl-/pb_CSG: A C# port of CSG.js by Evan W (http://evanw.github.io/csg.js/).
I adopt that to my project, but I have two problems.
First, I got wrong result for my case.
In example project, subtraction sphere from cube is
But In my custom case,
It’s my original mesh,
and then i want to remove two parts, that are nose sphere bounding and back cube bounding,
and then merge them,
and subtract them from original result is,
As you see, result is not good enough using sphere, but When I use cube bounding,
It’s better than using sphere.
In summarize, first problem subtraction is not working when using sphere bounding.
Secondly general mesh boolean conducts auto interpolation. But I don’t want this.
In example case of mesh boolean,
As you can see result remains sphere vertices and faces in inner cube.
But I want just remove vertices that are in bounding sphere. and connecting faces from cube.
Cube has a few vertices and large faces. So we expect weird result shape.
More obviously, general mesh has many vertices and small faces.
Guys, Do you have solutions in my case???